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DIF Management Overview

DIF Capital Partners is a leading global independent fund manager, with over €15 billion of assets under management across nine closed-end infrastructure funds and several co-investment vehicles. DIF Capital Partners invests in greenfield and operational infrastructure assets located primarily in Europe, the Americas and Australasia.





HQ Location

Schiphol, North-Holland

BuildRI Category Rating


Responsible Investment Rating


Value Builder Rating


Stakeholder Rating


Key Value Builder Features1

  • Focused Digital Strategy
  • In-house Digital Expertise
  • Operational Improvement Strategy
  • Dedicated Operational Improvement Team

1. Key Value Builder Features are determined by the BuildRI research team based upon publicly-available information and input from 3rd parties, including the firm in certain circumstances.

Value Creation Examples


Contributing Source: 2023 ESG Report

Loimua is committed to achieving carbon neutrality in its heat production by 2030, with substantial progress already made through an increase in renewable resource utilization, accounting for approximately 88% of its current heat production—significantly surpassing the national average in Finland. The company has invested in new district heating boilers and advanced heat recovery systems, significantly enhancing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. These initiatives not only advance Loimua's Net Zero objectives but also contribute to a sustainable energy future, aligning with global climate action efforts. In 2023, Loimua continued to pursue its Net Zero goals through a comprehensive strategy focusing on expanding renewable energy sources, including initiatives to maximize waste heat utilization and integrate electric boilers. Infrastructure upgrades further improved energy efficiency, while stakeholder engagement initiatives promoted sustainability throughout its supply chain, leading to the development of a biodiversity roadmap. These concerted efforts underscore Loimua's dedication to reducing its environmental impact and achieving its ambitious Net Zero targets.


Contributing Source: 2022 ESG Report

Bernhard is a US-based Energy-as-a-Service provider. Its ESG governance includes a dedicated senior hire, VP ESG, and growing team which focuses on engaging key stakeholders and driving forward the company’s management of ESG issues – such as responsible contracting and emissions reduction. Such committed resources means that ESG impacts are both measured and managed toward meeting ESG objectives. This governance complements a strong culture of Ethics & Compliance with a publicly available Code Conduct that guides employees on Bernhard’s core values of Safety, Ethics, Teamwork and Innovation. Every employee is also empowered to report any potential Code violations (without retaliation concern).


Contributing Source: ESG Report

Northern Germany’s Herrentunnel embarked on a €264,000 project to upgrade lighting throughout the tunnel to more energy-efficient LEDs. This resulted in approximately 42% less energy, saving approximately €13,000 per year at current prices. The upgrade is estimated to save around 750 tCO₂e for the remainder of the concession, equivalent to avoiding the emissions from over 1,500 barrels of oil.

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