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TowerBrook Capital Partners Overview

TowerBrook Capital Partners is a purpose-driven investment management firm headquartered in London and New York. The firm invests in private equity, structured opportunities and impact opportunities through its family of funds.


Private Equity


North America

HQ Location

New York, NY

BuildRI Category Rating


Responsible Investment Rating


Value Builder Rating


Stakeholder Rating


Key Value Builder Features1

  • Focused Digital Strategy
  • In-house Digital Expertise
  • Operational Improvement Strategy
  • Dedicated Operational Improvement Team

1. Key Value Builder Features are determined by the BuildRI research team based upon publicly-available information and input from 3rd parties, including the firm in certain circumstances.

Value Creation Examples

Gravity Media

Contributing Source: Responsible Ownership Report 2022

Gravity saw the need for improving diversity and opportunity within the broadcast technology sector. In partnership with a UK-based advocacy group, Rise, it has embarked on several initiatives related to recruiting, retention and building a pipeline for the future in engineering, technical operations, sales and marketing. The overall aim of this collaboration is to help inspire and develop talented women in the sector. In 2022, Gravity sponsored the annual Rise Awards, networking events, training sessions, and Rise Up education outreach program; and the Rise mentoring program also saw four mentees selected from Gravity. As part of supporting a sustainable pipeline, Gravity is also providing volunteers for the next Rise Up Academy - an outreach program that delivers broadcast engineering and technical workshops to primary and secondary school students. The company also seeks to improve access to broadcast careers for people from underrepresented groups. Through its corporate support of MAMA Youth, Gravity is helping the media-sector diversity-focused charity prepare young people aged 18-25 from underrepresented backgrounds or with limited educational or employment opportunities, for a successful career in the media. In 2022, Gravity offered a permanent opportunity to one program participant.


Contributing Source: Main Website

Acacium’s D&I strategy serves to attract, develop and retain talent from all backgrounds by focusing on three key strategic priorities: celebrating diversity; awareness and education; and developing employee networks to support inclusion. These focal areas are further supported via robust oversight – including an executive board-level sponsor (of D&I), Head of Culture and Inclusion, and D&I board; further, senior leaders act as high-profile sponsors of the employee networks, which include Race and Ethnicity, LGBTQ+, Disability, Body Image, and Gender. Acacium has been particularly focused on disability inclusion. With input from the company’s internal Disability network, its newest office has been designed with an accessibility lens. Facilities include: wide aisles and clear routes; neurodiverse workspaces created to be conscious of the effects of space, lighting and sound; moveable furniture; high-rise desks; and a hot-desking system clearly marking accessible desks and allocating suitable desks to those with long-term conditions. The building also better serves a diverse workforce, with a prayer room, a dedicated wellbeing room with a fridge to allow breast-feeding mothers to express and store milk, and unisex restrooms. This is now being used as a blueprint when taking on new offices or considering office re-design in existing buildings.


Contributing Source: Responsible Ownership Report 2022

CarTrawler has successfully implemented an inclusive employee equity scheme, which has proven to be highly motivating for its employees, resulting in a company-wide shift in focus towards profit and value creation. The equity scheme has contributed to the company's ability to attract high-quality talent, with attrition falling to an all-time low across all functions. The company's employee engagement and satisfaction have increased, with results from its bi-annual Pulse survey reaching their highest ever score of 84 in July 2022. Additionally, CarTrawler has established initiatives to support employees' overall health and mental well-being, positioning itself as a purpose-led, values-driven organization.


Contributing Source: Responsible Ownership Report 2022

KeHE, one of the largest distributors of natural, organic, specialty, and fresh food products in North America, is committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. The company achieved a 12% reduction in GHG emissions in transportation and introduced compressed natural gas tractors, resulting in a 70% reduction in emissions per vehicle. Upgrades to its fleet and route optimization measures further reduced emissions. KeHE's refrigerants now have an 84% lower GWP than their predecessors, and refrigerated trucks are cooled sustainably using Shorepower technology. The company is also working to cut food waste in half and divert 90% from landfills by 2030. KeHE incorporates renewable energy sources and has several LEED-certified buildings.

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