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TA Associates Overview

TA is a leading global private equity firm focused on scaling growth in profitable companies. Since 1968, they have invested in more than 560 companies across their five target industries – technology, healthcare, financial services, consumer, and business services. Leveraging their deep industry expertise and strategic resources, they collaborate with management teams worldwide to help high-quality companies deliver lasting value.


Growth Equity



North America

HQ Location

Boston, Massachusetts

BuildRI Category Rating


Responsible Investment Rating


Value Builder Rating


Stakeholder Rating


Key Value Builder Features1

  • Focused Digital Strategy
  • In-house Digital Expertise
  • Operational Improvement Strategy
  • Dedicated Operational Improvement Team

1. Key Value Builder Features are determined by the BuildRI research team based upon publicly-available information and input from 3rd parties, including the firm in certain circumstances.

Value Creation Examples


Contributing Source: Responsibility at TA

In 2019, Solabia's water withdrawals from areas of high-water stress accounted for 68.2% of its total water withdrawals. As the company's operations necessitate substantial groundwater consumption, Solabia is consistently striving to reduce water withdrawal and consumption. Since 2018, the company has achieved a 3.8% reduction in water consumption and a 10% decrease in withdrawals over the last three years.


Contributing Source: Responsibility at TA

Solabia has implemented a waste management system that includes a sorting system on its sites to separate ordinary waste, paper, and plastics at the source. This is accomplished through the use of dedicated collection and sorting channels for recycling and recovery. As a result of these waste management practices, Solabia achieved an impressive 99.5% recovery rate in 2021.


Contributing Source: Responsibility at TA

Solabia's Health, Safety, and Working Conditions Committee is dedicated to reducing workplace accidents through the implementation of annual safety training and chemical risk assessments. In 2020, the company experienced a 2.7% decrease in the number of accidents and a 30% reduction in the severity rate of accidents, based on performance indicators from 2019 and 2020. Additionally, Solabia's total recordable injury frequency rate decreased by 47% from 2019 to 2020, demonstrating the company's strong commitment to workplace safety.

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